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Thanks to some of our Faith Formation students for reviewing this film!

Film Review: Joan of Arc

Watch it on FORMED here.


At a young age Joan discovered her calling when God spoke to her through her patron saint, saint catherine. There are many trials she faced; the conflicts between her and her family, the disapproval of her mission from the bishop, and the manipulation of her by the king. In the end, the French are united, the English are pushed out but only after the martyrdom of Saint Joan.


  • Adventure
  • Biography
  • Drama
  • History
  • War

Scale/Rating: 16+

Stars: Leelee Sobieski, Chad Willett, Peter O'Toole, Neil Patrick Harris

St. Michael Youth Review:

"This was a great movie where Joan discovered her destiny from God through an angel. Strong in her faith through the negativity and disbelief of those around her goes on a quest to lead the French forces against the English. There were some well-known actors, to some, in this movie as well. There was a good deal of violence, a scene that is hard to understand for younger children though inappropriate, as well as concepts that may be harder for younger children to understand. Overall a great 3 hour movie." - Ava

“Joan of Arc is a 3 hour long movie with some familiar actors. It's about her standing up and being strong while on a mission sent from God. She faces a lot of problems like trust issues and violence along the way but she pushes through. There is one inappropriate scene along with some violent scenes in this movie but overall it was a great movie for 14+” - Arni