We've invited a few of our regular adorers to share their experiences with Eucharistic Adoration with us. If you've never been to Adoration or aren't sure what you would do if you went, this series will hopefully inspire you!

St. Michael's has Eucharistic Adoration every Friday from 9 am to 6 pm. Learn more and become a volunteer adorer at stmichaelcary.org/Adoration.

By Patrice Guidry

When I was young, my mom taught us to make the Sign of the Cross whenever we drove past a Catholic Church; I assumed we were showing respect for the church. It was not until I had my own children that I realized I was acknowledging Jesus in the tabernacle and not honoring a building! My mom did teach me about the Real Presence, but that is another story.

In Adoration, I use my imagination, praying the Rosary takes about 17.5 minutes, reading makes me forget who is before me. I sit quietly and ponder Jesus’ words, “So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?” from Matthew 26:40. (The Gospels are full of events to ponder.) Imagine a friend asking you to sit with them while they grieve the loss of a child, parent, pet, etc. If we are a friend, we sit and wait patiently, speaking only when we think what we have to say will comfort them.

My prayer in Adoration is, “Jesus I am here because You have blessed me more than I deserve and I want you to know how grateful I am. I love you Lord.” In my silence, the Holy Spirit comes to me and each time is different. God knows what I need and often I will see myself as God sees me (another prayer petition). Sometimes it is all positive and other times I am brought to my knees in sorrow for my pride and lack of charity.

Regardless, spending time with Jesus refreshes my spirit and consoles me. My life does not end with this world; I am working for eternity. My imagination kicks in and I pray I will see my mother and father, friends and grandparents as God always intended them to be. We are a resurrection people, and our mission is to get to heaven. Don’t you just love Easter? It's always Eastertime when spending time with our Lord in Adoration.