November 1-7, 2020 is Vocations Awareness Week, and to celebrate, we are highlighting a few of our parishioners who have accepted God's call in their lives, whether as priests, deacons, seminarians, religious brothers and sisters, or married couples. We hope that these stories inspire you to reflect on your own vocation!

Today we are excited to share with you how Deacon Brian Phillips' discernment of the diaconate started more than 30 years before even entering the program.

"When I was young, I developed a life-threatening medical condition. Through intense prayers offered on my behalf, and some divine intervention, not only did I live, but I was spared all the ill effects of this medical condition. From very young, I knew that God had spared me for some special reason.

When I was in college, I had an experience that I mistook for being called to become a priest. I even applied and was accepted to a seminary. Within just a few months, God made it very evident to me that he did not want me to become a priest. I even met the woman who was to become my wife during this time… I was confused, but I knew that God still had a plan for me. The permanent diaconate was just starting at this time, however I was unaware that it existed.

Fast forward about 30 years, and the Diocese of Raleigh was starting the permanent diaconate program, and I was immediately drawn to it. After I was accepted into it, and nearing ordination, I had a revelation that this was what God had been calling me to when I was in college.

I feel very blessed."

We are so glad that God not only called Deacon Phillips to the diaconate, but also to St. Michael's Church! Thank you for your yes to God's call, Deacon Phillips!

Do you feel God calling you to the diaconate? Learn more about the Diocese of Raleigh's permanent diaconate program here.