The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic, family, fraternal, service organization. Our guiding principles are Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Since our founding in New Haven, CT in 1882, the Knights have grown to a membership of over 1.9 million. Knights are found in every state of the Union, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines and many other parts of the world. Our highly-rated life insurance organization ranks among the Fortune 1000 and helps protect families with over $105 billion of life insurance policies in force.(1)
The Knights of Columbus council 6650 is a ministry of St. Michael the Archangel in addition to supporting St. Andrew the Apostle and Mother Theresa Catholic Church. We serve the Cities of Apex and Cary, NC. This past year we have held numerous events to support the church and community including Coats for Kids, Operation LAMB, Adopt a Highway, Prayer for the unborn, Food Drives and various other events. In addition the knights regularly volunteer to support those parishioners who need assistance such as moving, emotional support and other needs the parish calls upon us to do.
We thank those in the parish who support our ministry and are grateful to those who are knights and also serve the church in other functions such as hospitality, security, and supportive roles.
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