Many Catholic parishes around the nation have taken up environmental stewardship as a ministry. This ministry addresses Pope Francis' profound call, in his Papal Encyclical, Laudato Si’. Papal encyclicals are pastoral letters addressed to archbishops and bishops, but also to wider audiences of Catholic laity, explaining Catholic doctrine. The enormity of the environmental damage described by Pope Francis, as well as the complex nature of the solutions needed to address them, can overwhelm ordinary citizens. But change can start here at our parish and in our homes. This is why the St. Michael's Environmental Stewardship Ministry has been sponsoring events such as a recycling program at St Michael's School, parish E-Waste collections, and the promotion of reusable bags. This ministry is looking for volunteers interested in helping us grow our ministry and the number of programs we sponsor. Our events represent small steps in the greater effort to care for the beautiful but fragile planet God has given us as well as its inhabitants.

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