Over the past few weeks, we traveled to Guatemala, Bangladesh, and Rwanda, where families are doing some pretty amazing things. Let’s review what we learned: 

We all have dreams. What we do to achieve those dreams makes a difference in our lives and the lives of those we love. Raúl and Lilian achieved their dream of starting a business. Now they hope to grow that business so others can benefit. Noornobi wanted to help his family succeed. Now his niece and nephew can attend school and work towards their dreams. Gloriose and her husband wanted their children to attend a good school. Now they earn enough money to make that happen. 

Many children around the world are malnourished, so their parents and communities are going the extra mile to make sure they get better. Raúl and Lilian sell their produce to schools so children in their village have fresh fruits and vegetables. Noornobi’s family didn’t always have enough to eat. Now he makes enough money, so his family can eat every day. Gloriose learned how to prepare balanced meals for her children so they can grow and be strong. 

Sometimes it takes hard work and a desire to learn new things to succeed. Even though Raúl and Lilian lost many crops at first, they kept trying. Noornobi’s land flooded often before he learned how to keep the floods away. Gloriose learned how to save money and apply for a loan to grow her business and support her family. 

Although we are in the final days of Lent, there’s still plenty of time to continue the three pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving to grow with God and our sisters and brothers around the world. Just like how you have to practice reading or math or playing your favorite sport or instrument, we have to practice these pillars regularly—even when it’s not Lent.