St. Michael offers two faith-building programs for families with young children: Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) and St. Mike's Tikes.

  • Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) during the 8:30 am Mass from September – April.
    • Registration is necessary for children ages 3 through Kindergarten via *REALM*
    • Monthly parent participation is required
  • St. Mike's Tikes monthly family events - watch the bulletin for upcoming events and dates


Each week during the 8:30 am Sunday Mass, children are called up to the front and then sent on their way with a catechist team to hear and talk about the weekly readings in a way they can understand.  Children return during the Offertory to conclude Mass with their families, but it's a great opportunity for both age-appropriate catechesis and parental concentration during the Liturgy of the Word.


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